Noisy neighbours and disturbances during night hours

An entire chapter of the City of Luxembourg's Regulations on Public Order and Safety (Règlement général de police) is devoted to this topic. The brochure entitled "Vos voisins vous disent-ils encore bonjour?" (Do your neighbours still say hello?) is intended specifically for restaurant and café owners and their customers.

The Grand Ducal Regulation of 16 November 1978 (Règlement grand-ducal du 16 novembre 1978) sets maximum sound levels for music within establishments and their vicinity. The use of radios, phonographs and loud speakers is regulated by the Grand Ducal Decree of 15 September 1939 (Arrêté grand-ducal du 15 septembre 1939). Under the Law of 10 June 1999 on classified establishments, as amended (loi modifiée du 10 juin 1999 rélative aux établissements classés), mayors can lay down conditions for the operation of establishments falling under their jurisdiction, in the interest of public peace. The related legislation may be viewed on Legilux, the government website containing all published laws.

Construction sites

For companies and construction sites, the provisions of the Grand Ducal Regulation of 13 February 1979 on noise levels in the vicinity of construction sites (Règlement grand-ducal du 13 février 1979 concernant le niveau de bruit dans les alentours immédiats des établissements et des chantiers) may be viewed on Legilux.

The website of the Ministry of Health (Ministère de la Santé) provides information on hearing protection.

Air, rail and road noise

Strategic map of environmental noise

Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 on the assessment and management of environmental noise has been transposed into Luxembourg law. The management of environmental noise is within the remit of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure (Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures). The strategic map of environmental noise may be accessed on the national geoportal platform, under "Maps" in the "Environment" section.

Action plans to reduce noise pollution (only in FR)

Action plans to reduce noise pollution cover motorways, the main rail lines and the airport.

These plans are updated versions of the plans currently in effect, which were implemented in 2017, except for the new action plan for the Luxembourg City metropolitan area.

Financial assistance

The Luxembourg government grants financial assistance for improving the soundproofing in residential buildings, in particular for eligible units in the immediate vicinity of the airport.


The City of Luxembourg is following efforts to monitor and reduce noise pollution in the vicinity of the airport very closely, and actively promotes a ban on night flights. The website of the Air Navigation Administration (Administration de la navigation aérienne) provides an overview of air activity, along with information on noise measurements.