Participation committee

To better take account of different special needs and to give a forum to those affected, a participative committee was approved on 7 May 2012 by the municipal council. This committee is made up of people with special needs who each represent their special need.

Meetings are attended by:

  • members with disabilties
  • a member of the college of aldermen
  • a representative of the Social Commission
  • a representative of each political party with a member on the municipal council
  • three expert associations, and
  • a disability liaison officer.


  • forum for dialogue and concrete proposals
  • active participation of people with disabilities
  • improvement of the services offered and daily lives of people with disabilities
  • participation of qualified associations

There are four dimensions that are especially important to the college of aldermen:

  • involvement of people with disabilities (brainstorming sessions, participative committee, awareness week, etc.), joint setting of priorities;
  • consideration of all special needs;
  • actions to take in broad areas; and
  • systematic implementation of policies.

Brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming sessions have been held annually since June 2007. This tradition of getting together to share information and discuss views has become a popular event and offers a chance to address all topics relating to disability. No topics are left out, and the departments responsible for each field are present to recap the work they have done and discuss their priorities for the future with all the people and associations in attendance.

These gatherings will continue to be offered annually so as to keep the conversation going between the City, its participative committee and the various associations.

Anyone who would like to get more involved can contact the Service Intégration et besoins spécifiques (Integration and Special Needs Department).

People with disabilities employed by the City

Luxembourg City has taken many steps to enable the hiring of people with disabilities. Thanks to groups supported by the Ligue HMC, priority given in job interviews, follow-up, advice and support by the Direction Ressources humaines (Human Resources Department), the Service Intégration et besoins spécifiques and our psychological support team, we have been able to gradually increase the proportion of people with disabilities on staff (set at 5% by law).

The percentage of City employees with disabilities is currently 5.14% (up from 4.76% in 2014).

Eng Geméng Fir Jiddereen

Since 2008, the City has participated every year in a national contest organised by Info-Handicap. The City won it in 2008 and 2013.

Access City Award

The Access City Award is a European competition open to cities in the European Union. In 2014, Luxembourg City won an honourable mention for its infrastructure and public services.

Zesumme fir Inklusioun

Each year, this association grants an award to an organisation or person who works to promote inclusion. In 2014, the award was given to the head of the Service Intégration et besoins spécifiques for her ongoing efforts to promote the inclusion of people living with disabilities in Luxembourg City.