Municipal social plan

Our changing social reality is giving rise to a great number of challenges. Access to housing, basic staples and job markets are but a few examples.

It is becoming increasingly important for public authorities to support certain social groups, to ensure they enjoy a certain quality of life and standard of living. The municipal social plan gives an assessment of the social and demographic situation of the capital's residents, taking account of the results from citizen participation projects and the resulting reflections as part of the new General Development Plan (plan d'aménagement général – PAG). It forms the basis for reflections on the key elements of planning social projects and initiatives in the short, medium and long term.

It identifies the strengths of action taken, highlights areas where improvement is needed, and defines guidelines for new initiatives. It considers societal and political constraints, and provides an organisational foundation on which to build the City of Luxembourg's social welfare services.

The aim is to strengthen existing collaborations and define responsibilities in social areas.

Municipal social development plan

This document defines the priorities for action for the coming years, based on the results of the study by FOREG (Institut für Regionale Sozialforschung – Institute for regional social research) as well as other observations on the needs for social welfare development.

The Social Development Framework Plan (Plan-cadre de développement social – PCDS) builds on what is already in place, including objectives, projects and initiatives. For the PCDS to be successfully implemented, group work is required between departments with very different areas of expertise. These cross-cutting efforts form the basis for the coherent action programme that has already been implemented, and should be improved in the future.

This plan is developed in line with objectives and initiatives already in place and approved by the college of aldermen and the municipal council.

Observatoire social

FOREG study

Between 2005 and 2007, the City of Luxembourg, in collaboration with FOREG, CEPS/INSTEAD (Centre for Population, Poverty and Social and Economic Policy Studies - International networks for studies in technology, environment, alternatives, development) and the University of Trier conducted a study on "Quality of Life in the City".