Leading a group of children or youths in sports activities

The City of Luxembourg, specifically the Service Sports (Sport Department), offers annual training courses for qualification as a "Level-B Youth Coordinator" in sport.

The training is mandatory for anyone who would like to work in the "S.d.S. Sport-Wochen" and "Kinnekswiss: sport et détente au coeur de la Ville" programmes during the summer holidays. The objective of this training, which lasts 150 hours (including work placement), is to instil the knowledge and skills needed to lead a group of children and/or youths, under supervision. Upon finishing the course, participants receive a "Level-B Youth Coordinator" certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'enfance et de la jeunesse).

For more information, please contact the Service Sports.

Leading a group of children or youths in educational activities

The Centre d'Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs (Creative Learning Centre – CAPEL) offers students aged 18 to 27 the opportunity to complete the "Level-B Youth Coordinator" training, which earns them a certificate from the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

This allows them to then participate in the Aktioun Bambësch and Jugend Aktiv programmes as a youth coordinator. The call for applicants for the training is published in the autumn and at the beginning of the year in Luxembourg's daily newspapers and on the Luxembourg City website.

Since 2009, holders of the "Level-B Youth Coordinator" certificate can also apply to take "Level-C Youth Coordinator" training, which allows them to take on additional responsibilities during recreational activities.

Contact person
For more information, please contact CAPEL: