What should I do if my child is ill?

Absence due to illness

If your child is ill, please notify the class teacher (and, where applicable, the head of the childcare centre your child attends) by e-mail or telephone before the start of class at 8:00.


Nowadays, only a few jabs are needed to protect children against dangerous illnesses. Did you know that even benign childhood illnesses can lead to serious medical complications? We recommend that children be vaccinated according to the official vaccination schedule.

Physical activity

Regular physical activity from an early age is crucial for the healthy development of body and mind. Children should be given the opportunity to get some exercise every day. It is beneficial for their physical and mental health, but also for their general well-being and performance at school. In addition to getting enough exercise, a healthy diet is just as important for a child's well-being.

Oral hygiene

Oral health is essential for your child's overall health and well-being. Children should brush their teeth three times a day immediately after meals. As parents, you should try to lead by example: this will show them that brushing your teeth is a normal part of a person's daily routine. You should check that they are brushing their teeth properly until they are around 9 years old, helping them clean their teeth if needed. Dental screening is carried out at school every year by external dental surgeons.

Head lice

Unfortunately, head lice are no strangers to schools and childcare centres. They are NOT a sign of poor hygiene. They are simply the result of close contact. If your child has lice, it is important to begin an anti-lice treatment as quickly as possible. You should also inform your child's school and childcare centre. If necessary, the Service Médecine Scolaire (School Health Department) will take measures to prevent the lice from spreading.


It is a wonderful thing for a child to grow up speaking several languages. To foster language acquisition, it is important that children be offered every possibility to express themselves in their mother tongue as well as the language used in their environment. This means that parents should regularly use their native language with their children in the home. Generally, when children are fluent in their mother tongue, they are able to acquire a second language more easily.