
The term "heavy rainfall" refers to very heavy localised showers that typically occur during severe summer storms. Consequences include fast-current flooding, and the overflowing of streams and sanitation systems.

Report an incident

In case of emergency

In case of emergency, please contact the City of Luxembourg's Service Canalisation (Sewer Department):

Tel.: 4796-3004

Dos and don'ts

  • Remain calm;
  • Monitor weather forecasts on meteolux.lu;
  • Remain indoors during storms;
  • Avoid river banks and flooded roads;
  • Put any belongings that may be damaged in a safe place and keep an eye on the water levels;
  • Close all windows, blinds and shutters on any floors at risk of flooding, and protect your home from the outside with removable, individual protectors (sandbags, flood barriers, etc.);
  • Keep a water pump on hand;
  • Ensure that surface-water drainage grids are not obstructed;
  • Promptly remove any objects that are harmful to the environment from areas at risk of flooding (e.g., …);
  • Unplug all electrical appliances – including heaters – in all rooms at risk of flooding;
  • Have a flashlight and a supply of drinking water on hand;
  • If your home is flooded, turn off the mains power switch;
  • In case of damage, take pictures and contact your insurance provider.

View the full list of dos and don'ts on infocrise.lu

Saving human lives takes priority over saving property. Cooperate with the rescue workers if they ask you to evacuate, and follow their instructions to the letter!