Politics, policy and administration
3 maisons - Neudorf

Le projet de maisons unifamiliales aux abords de la rue de Neudorf est issu du concours. « Baulücken III » lancé en 2014 et visant la conception et la construction de logements à prix abordables sur huit terrains appartenant à la Ville de Luxembourg et destinés en partie à la location et en partie à la vente sur base d’un droit d’emphytéose. Ainsi, la Ville souhaite participer activement à l’offre d’une grande variété de logements urbains, contemporains et à prix abordable. Au total, le concours « Baulücken III » comporte 71 logements dont 36 maisons et 35 appartements. Lors des éditions précédentes du concours, un total de 133 logements, dont 18 maisons et 115 appartements, ont été construits.  

Afin de respecter le tissu urbain de la rue de Neudorf dominé par des maisons d’habitation au parcellaire typique et d’y intégrer harmonieusement le nouveau projet, la Ville de Luxembourg a opté pour la construction de maisons d’habitation en bande. Au total, le projet comprend 3 maisons unifamiliales, toutes affectées au logement abordable.

The single-family units are all located on Rue de Neudorf, and were built as part of a project submitted for the The "Baulücken III" competition.
This scheme was launched by the City in 2014 with the aim of procuring design-and-build projects for affordable rental and for-purchase housing on eight plots of City-owned land. The scheme is an example of the City's active efforts to provide residents with a wide range of modern, affordable, urban housing options. In all, the "Baulücken III" scheme provides for the construction of 71 homes comprising 36 houses and 35 apartments. So far, 133 units – 18 houses and 115 apartments – have been built under the scheme.

To blend in with the existing surroundings in Rue de Neudorf – predominantly single-family homes built on plots that are typical of the area – the City of Luxembourg opted to build terraced housing units for this project.

In all, the project provided for the construction of three single-family houses, all of which fall under the City's affordable housing scheme.

Architectural concept

Each house is ± 6.70 metres wide and built on 3 above-ground levels, so as to blend in with the layout of the existing plots in the street.

All of the houses were built to afford step-free, street-level access from Rue Neudorf and Ale Wee. Each has a small storage area for bins and bikes on the side facing Ale Wee.

House no. 247 has a usable floor area of ± 131 m², house no. 247a is ±138 m², and house no. 247b is ± 145 m².

On the ground floor, there is a kitchen, a dining room and a sitting room. A separate toilet is located near the entrance.

On the first floor, there are two bedrooms, a storeroom and a shower room.

The second floor comprises two bedrooms, a storeroom and a bathroom.

The equipment room is located in the attic.

Since the houses were designed in line with the principles of "car-free living", there are no garages.

As the houses border directly on the public domain, the windows on both sides are smaller, which provides a certain degree of privacy, while at the same time letting in a generous amount of natural light.

Structure and materials

The houses were built with masonry partitions and reinforced concrete walls and floor slabs.

The facades are thermally insulated and clad with a light-coloured masonry finish on the ground floor, while the facades of the upper floors have been finished with a light-coloured rendering.

The windows are all triple-glazed and fitted with slatted blinds on the outside.

All of the windows and bay windows have wood frames lacquered white on the outside. The external sills and transoms are made of white lacquered aluminium and designed to accommodate the guide rails for the blinds and the glass balustrades.

All of the houses have mansard roofs.

Energy performance rating

All of the houses have an "A" energy performance rating.

Surface areas and volumes

Usable floor area of the three houses: ± 414 m²
Gross built volume of the three houses: ± 1,657 m3