Clean-up of the former landfill and CASA site and sediment analysis in the new "Stellwiss" district in Beggen


"The recent issue of heavy metal pollution at a construction site in Rue de Beggen – in the immediate vicinity of the former Continental Alloys (CASA) landfill site – and the risk of heavy metal pollution in the alluvial beds of the Alzette, show the extent to which the after-effects of this factory’s operations from 1969 to 1989 are impacting the present and the future of the Beggen and Dommeldange districts.

The "déi Lénk Stad" party is of the view that it is the City’s duty to intervene with the competent authorities, including the Ministry of the Environment, but also to raise the relevant issues itself with Arcelor-Mittal S.A. – the current owner of the landfill and of the site where the former factory and major source of pollution was located – to ensure that they clean up the sites in question. The issue is all the more pressing given that the new general development plan (PAG) provides for new residential districts near the Alzette and a future designated development zone (zone d'aménagement différé – ZAD) on the site of the Dommeldange factory.

As such, and in accordance with Article 9 of the municipal council's internal rules and regulations, I would like to put the following questions to you:

  • In light of the "polluter pays" principle, what is the status of the clean-up of the former CASA landfill, and what future steps does the City plan to take in this regard?
  • Does the City intend to have the sediments of the new Stellwiss district analysed before the elaboration of a special development plan (PAP) is undertaken?
  • What drilling work has been carried out to date at the location of the former CASA on the Dommeldange factory site, and what were the results of the analytical phase?
  • What steps has the City taken in terms of approaching Arcelor-Mittal S.A. with a view to cleaning up the former Continental Alloys site, and what steps does it plan to take in the future?


"Mr Foetz,

In your letter of 28 July 2021, in accordance with Article 9 of the municipal council's internal rules and regulations, you asked a number of questions which we would answer as follows: 

  • In light of the "polluter pays" principle, what is the status of the clean-up of the former CASA landfill, and what future steps does the City plan to take in this regard?

The CASA landfill site has a permit for the discharge of surface rainwater. This permit was issued on 31 August 2006 and relates to the finished landfill site after it had undergone sealing and containment works, the reprofiling of the landfill, and the addition of a clay-based mineral seal and a topsoil overlay for the landfill.

In addition, a ministerial authorisation was issued on 22 March 2005 on the basis of the amended Law of 10 June 1999 on listed establishments. We do not have any further information.

  • Does the City intend to have the sediments of the new Stellwiss district analysed before the elaboration of a special development plan (PAP) is undertaken?

To the best of our knowledge, there are currently no plans to develop the area. If a PAP is drawn up for the site in the future, all applicable legal and regulatory requirements will of course be respected.

  • What drilling work has been carried out to date at the location of the former CASA on the Dommeldange factory site, and what were the results of the analytical phase?

In this regard, we refer you to the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, which is the competent authority in these matters.

  • What steps has the City taken in terms of approaching Arcelor-Mittal S.A. with a view to cleaning up the former Continental Alloys site, and what steps does it plan to take in the future?

In this regards, we refer you to the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, which is the competent authority in these matters."

Parking rates in Luxembourg City


"I am posing these questions in accordance with Article 9 of the municipal council's internal rules and regulations.

It turns out that the daily rate for parking at the Gernsback car park in the Kirchberg district has been €15 since 1 February 2022, in other words three times as much as when the car park opened.

This car park, which is owned by the Fonds Kirchberg, is strategically located at the eastern edge of Luxembourg City and provides direct access to Luxembourg City's public transport network via the tram line linking Kirchberg to the city centre. The attractiveness of this car park is therefore a key factor in easing road-traffic congestion in Luxembourg City.

As such, I would like to put the following questions to the College of Aldermen:

  • What are the daily parking rates at the major car parks in Luxembourg City, particularly the Glacis and the P&R Bouillon for example?
  • Does the College of Aldermen consider parking fees a means of controlling urban traffic, in particular by encouraging them to park in car parks on the outskirts of the City?
  • Does the College of Aldermen think that the €15 fee is sufficiently attractive to encourage motorists to leave their cars at the Gernsback car park and use the public transport services to get to their place of work?
  • If not, does the College of Aldermen intend to approach the Fonds Kirchberg to encourage them to lower the fee from its current level of €15?



Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your letter of 14 March 2022 regarding parking rates in Luxembourg City.

Based on information obtained from our Service Parking (Parking Department), I can inform you that the rates charged at the Glacis car park are as follows:

  •  For spaces along Allée Scheffer, between Avenue Pasteur and Rue Jean l’Aveugle, in the area bordered by Avenue de la Faïencerie, Allée Scheffer, Boulevard de la Foire and Rue des Glacis (extension of Avenue Victor Hugo, between Allée Scheffer and the Schuman roundabout), parking is limited to 2 hours on working days, from Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 to 18:00, and the applicable rate in this orange zone is €2.00 per hour.
  • For spaces along Boulevard de la Foire in the area bordered by Avenue de la Faïencerie, Allée Scheffer, Avenue Pasteur and Boulevard de la Foire, parking is limited to 5 hours on working days, from Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 to 18:00, and the applicable rate in this zone is €1.00 per hour.
  • In the area bordered by Avenue de la Faïencerie, Allée Scheffer, Boulevard de la Foire and Rue des Glacis (extension of Avenue Victor Hugo, between Allée Scheffer and the Schuman roundabout), except for spaces along Boulevard de la Foire and those along Allée Scheffer, between Avenue Pasteur and Rue Jean l’Aveugle, parking is limited to a 10 hours on working days, from Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 to 18:00, and the applicable rate in this zone is €1.00 per hour.

As far as P&R Bouillon is concerned, like all of the other P&R car parks operated by the City of Luxembourg, parking is free for the first 24 hours, and then €10 per full day thereafter.

Indeed, the consistent management of parking spaces and parking on public roads, achieved through generalising the implementation of paid parking, restricting parking times, the rates charged in the car parks, and the availability of public transport services and active modes of transport, helps to direct short-stay parking (less than 2 hours) towards on-street parking, medium-stay parking (3 to 5 hours) to public car parks, and long-stay parking (more than 5 hours) to the P&R sites, which are generally located on the outskirts of the City.

I would also add that, when the Gernsback car park, which is owned by the Fonds Kirchberg, opened in May 2021, parking rates were set at €1.40 per hour for the first three hours of parking, and then a flat rate of €5 for stays longer than three hours. The rates at the Gernsback car park were changed on 1 February 2022, such that customers still pay €1.40 per hour for the first three hours of parking but, from the 4th hour of parking up to the maximum permitted stay of 24 hours, a flat rate of €15 is charged, in other words three times as much as the flat rate when the car park first opened.

It should be noted that the flat rate of €15, which entitles customers to park at the Gernsback car park for up to 24 hours, is still less expensive than the rate charged for a 10-hour stay in the other public car parks in Kirchberg. The table below shows the amounts charged for 10 hours of parking in the public car parks in Kirchberg.

Name of public car park

Rate charged for a 10-hour stay







Place de l’Europe


Trois Glands




The only places where parking is cheaper than at the Gernsback car park are the open-air car park on Boulevard Konrad Adenauer and some streets in Kirchberg, where parking is limited to 10 hours on working days, Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 18:00. The rate charged in these areas is €0.50/hour, which amounts to €5 for 10 hours of parking.

Currently, the Gernsback car park is seldom used: its current occupancy rate is only around 24% (including season-pass holders). This is certainly due to the new pricing, which is not attractive enough for long-stay parking (more than 5 hours), given that the P&R sites operated by the City are free for up to 24 hours.

Allow me to remind you that the ideal location of the Gernsback car park at the eastern edge of the City, plus the fact that the tram network and the bus station located at the same site can be accessed directly from the car park, should help to make this car park attractive to different types of users. However, the new rates in force since 1 February 2022 could be a reason for the low level of use.

This response is being provided pursuant to Article 25 of the municipal law, and Article 9 of the City of Luxembourg municipal council's internal rules and regulations of 13 May 2013 and, as such, shall be considered as equivalent to a written reply to the question that was asked. It will be published in the minutes and on the City of Luxembourg website."

Remains of dead animals


"Mayor Polfer,

Members of the College of Aldermen,

Residents of the City sometimes find dead animals (e.g. foxes) on their private property.

The death of these animals can be attributed to many causes, and the animals may be carrying infectious diseases.

Is there a specific municipal department (or government department) responsible for collecting the remains of these animals?

Would it be helpful to publish this information on the City of Luxembourg website?



Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your letter dated 25 April 2022 regarding the remains of dead animals.

Based on information provided by our Service Environnement (Environment Department) and our Service Hygiène (Sanitation Department), I can inform you that there is no specific government department responsible for the collection of dead animals. Generally, the remains of animals in the public space are collected and incinerated by the National Roads Administration (Administration des ponts et chaussées) or by our Service Hygiène, depending on exactly where the body has been found. The remains of wild animals found on private property are collected by the Nature and Forest Agency (Administration de la nature et des forêts), in collaboration with the Service Hygiène. Residents of Luxembourg City can also contact the Service Hygiène to arrange an appointment to take in the corpses of their pets. In these cases, residents are requested to place the corpse in an appropriate bag, which can be obtained from the Service Hygiène. If pet owners require a special service for their deceased pet (e.g. cremation), they should contact a company that specialises in the required service.

If there are sufficient grounds to suspect disease or poisoning, the municipal authorities can transfer the dead animals to the State Veterinary Laboratory (Laboratoire de médecine vétérinaire) for analysis (free autopsy, in-depth toxicological analysis for a fee). Currently, these types of analyses do not fall within the City's remit.

Discussions between several City of Luxembourg departments and the Nature and Forest Agency are planned to establish the procedures to be applied with regard to the handling of animal corpses.

This response is being provided pursuant to Article 25 of the municipal law and Article 9 of the City of Luxembourg municipal council's internal rules and regulations of 13 May 2013 and, as such, shall be considered as equivalent to a written reply to the question that was asked. It will be published in the minutes and on the City of Luxembourg website."

Attractiveness and urban development of the Gare district


"Mayor Polfer,

Members of the College of Aldermen,

My questions concern the attractiveness and urban development of the Gare district.

The above-mentioned district has been considerably affected by the tram construction project and continues to face major challenges in terms of drug abuse and public safety.

In an interview published in Luxemburger Wort on 9 April 2022, two local traders shared their views on the development of the situation in the Gare district. In particular, they expressed their regret at the closure of Avenue de la Gare to private motor vehicles and at the high number of empty commercial premises in the same street. On the other hand, they welcomed the urban planning measures taken in Rue de Strasbourg, and the positive effects of the opening of terraces in this street. They also expressed their desire to see an improvement in street lighting in the district.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Municipal Regulation, I would like to put the following questions to the College of the Mayor and Aldermen:

  • Does the College of Aldermen share the views expressed by the district's shopkeepers?
  • What measures is it planning, if any, to tackle the high number of empty commercial premises on Avenue de la Gare?
  • More generally, how does it plan to make the Gare district a more pleasant and more attractive area?"



Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your letter of 7 May 2022 regarding the attractiveness and urban development of the Gare district.

Based on information obtained from the Service Biens communaux et aménagement foncier (Municipal Property and Land Development Department), I can inform you that the City does not own the empty commercial premises in Avenue de la Gare. Nevertheless, we are aware of the situation, and the City's Economic and Commercial Development Unit (DEC) has been able to rent certain spaces in the street in order to open several pop-up stores. To contribute to enhancing the overall attractiveness of the Gare district, taking into account the social situation, the City signed a number of agreements with associations and traders, after renovating the municipal premises in question.

Among these is an agreement to provide premises at no. 16, Dernier Sol for a Red Cross project by the name of "Vestiaires", which aims to provide people in need with proper clothing and, in doing so, help them regain their dignity. Another project – "Saxophone" – is based at Building 24, rue de Hollerich. The building was purchased by the City and the premises on the ground floor have been made available to the non-profit organization "Stëmm vun der Strooss". This association can accommodate around thirty people in multipurpose premises, which serve as a reception area as well as a recreational space and dining room. The premises also include four sanitary facilities and a "Kleederstuff" area. The imminent opening of a new brasserie in the heart of the "Parking Neipperg" municipal building on Rue du Fort Neipperg is expected to revive the long abandoned premises. The brasserie will be able to accommodate around 50 people and will also serve snacks and light meals throughout the day. Finally, it is worth noting the ongoing efforts of the Service Espace public, fêtes et marchés (Public Space, Festivals and Markets Department) to revive Place de Paris and the forecourt of Luxembourg Central Station, by organising regular events and attractions.

For Avenue de la Gare, however, extensive redevelopment of the public space, accompanied by a "business" support program, will be needed to encourage shops to return, and prompt the re-emergence of activities and lifestyles that are typical of a capital city’s station district, in the medium term.

Compared to Avenue de la Gare, the development of Avenue de la Liberté and Place de Paris has progressed well. In addition to the redevelopment of the public space, the area now boasts a number of "trendy" shops, terraces and, in terms of events, a weekly market, a Christmas market which has made a name for itself in the Greater Region, and a new take on the "Garer Kiermes". There are also street decorations, including a 14-metre-high replica of the Eiffel Tower. Not to mention the Christmas lights and decorations for the "Winterlights" festival, in which considerable effort has been invested for the Gare district.

Rue de Strasbourg has also undergone a temporary, short-term transformation based on the principles of "tactical urbanism", and has seen the opening of terraces and the use of alternative types of decoration in a traffic-calmed setting. In addition, Rue de Strasbourg will be completely redeveloped in the coming years, creating an entirely different public space in the near future, where the main focus will be to create a welcoming setting.

The City is therefore actively involved in the transformation of the Gare district, both in terms redeveloping the public space (either long-term or temporarily) and establishing it as a venue for events. The consistent aim is to improve the quality of life in the Gare district for local residents, visitors and businesses and, in so doing, enhance the image of the district.

In addition, Avenue de la Gare has one of the highest levels of pedestrian traffic in Luxembourg City and, apparently, the only time that a decline was observed was during the pandemic.

This response is being provided pursuant to Article 25 of the municipal law, and Article 9 of the City of Luxembourg municipal council's internal rules and regulations of 13 May 2013 and, as such, shall be considered as equivalent to a written reply to the question that was asked. It will be published in the minutes and on the City of Luxembourg website."

Extension of bicycle parking facilities


"Mayor Polfer,

The transport sector is responsible for 30% of CO2 emissions in the European Union. As such, it is essential that we do everything possible to achieve a transition in the transport sector, and this must be translated into concrete measures.

Luxembourg City lends itself well to cycling, and the number of cyclists is constantly on the rise. At the municipal level, active travel must be promoted and supported. Promoting cycling helps to reduce the number of motorised vehicles on the road, and thus CO2 emissions. In addition, cyclists have a beneficial impact on the local economy, as they tend to frequent businesses located closer to their home.

Nevertheless, I have noticed that there is a lack of adequate facilities for cyclists, especially where parking is concerned.

In accordance with Article 9 of the municipal council's internal rules and regulations, I would therefore like to put the following questions to the College of Aldermen:

• How many bicycle parking spaces are available in Luxembourg City? Where are they located? How are they distributed by district?

• Does Luxembourg City have any plans to extend this offering?

• Is there a plan to extend bicycle parking facilities in each district? If so, will bicycle parking spaces be introduced systematically in streets where residents do not have a garage, or another indoor space to store their bicycle?

• In order to create secure bicycle parking, are there any plans to extend the availability of vélobox bike lockers, including in residential areas?

• Are there any plans to create and extend bicycle parking facilities in the vicinity of sports, cultural and administrative buildings? If so, when?

• Can the Council of Aldermen confirm that, at present, when a street is earmarked for redevelopment, parking for bicycles is only included in the planning if the City of Luxembourg has received a request for it? If so, then why is bicycle parking not included on a more systematic basis when street redevelopment works are undertaken?"



In response to your letter of 21 July 2022, concerning the extension of bicycle parking facilities, I am pleased to provide you with the following information from our Service Circulation (Traffic Department).

Re point 1 – Number of bicycle parking spaces in Luxembourg City:

At present, there are 1,075 bicycle parking spaces in Luxembourg City. A large number of these (503 spaces) are located in the city centre, the Gare district, and Bonnevoie, the city's most heavily populated district.

Re point 2 – Extension of the offering:

As part of its policy on sustainable mobility, the City is constantly seeking ways to extend this offering. However, implementation depends, firstly, on the availability of public space, without at the same time hindering the free movement of other road users, and, secondly, on the construction work being carried out by the City, which very often prevents the installation of bike racks.

Re point 3 – Projections for bicycle parking in urban districts:

In response to the growing demand, the Service Circulation is currently working on a pilot project to introduce secure bicycle parking facilities in residential areas. The project will be presented to the College of Aldermen as soon as possible.

On this topic, it should be highlighted that bicycle racks are also installed based on requests we receive, or in response to new needs at strategic locations, for example as part of a simple reallocation of car parking spaces.

Re point 4 – Installation of bicycle lockers:

The above-mentioned pilot project provides for this type of offering for cyclists in the municipality. It should be noted that there are already solutions for secure bicycle parking in two public car parks, namely Neipperg and Knuedler.

It should be pointed out that the City no longer wishes to extend the existing offering of individual bicycle lockers, such as those installed at the P&R Bouillon, as these are unfortunately being used too frequently to store all kinds of items rather than for their intended purpose. This is why the project in question provides for the introduction of collective bicycle parking facilities, such as cages.

Re point 5 – Bicycle parking facilities in the vicinity of sports, cultural and administrative buildings:

In response to a demand from cyclists who use these sites, this type of facility has already been introduced at some locations. If there is a growing need at these locations, the facilities can of course be extended, once the need has been confirmed, or if an explicit request is submitted to the City. Moreover, as part of any new public infrastructure project of this kind, provision is automatically made for a space that can be used to install attachment points for bikes.

Re point 6 – Creation of bicycle parking spaces during road upgrade works:

The needs of all road users, and particularly cyclists, are taken into account during new road improvement projects.

This response is being provided pursuant to Article 25 of the municipal law, and Article 9 of the City of Luxembourg municipal council's internal rules and regulations of 13 May 2013 and, as such, shall be considered as equivalent to a written reply to the question that was asked. It will be published in the minutes and on the City of Luxembourg website."

Display of stops on tram screens


"Mayor Polfer,

Members of the College of Aldermen,

I am submitting these questions in accordance with Article 9 of the municipal council's internal rules and regulations.

It turns out that, for several months now, and in the vast majority of cases, the screens installed in the trams no longer display real-time information on upcoming stops, or the journey times left before reaching upcoming stops and the terminus.

Given how useful this information is to tram passengers, I would like to put the following questions to the College of Aldermen:

  • Has the College of Aldermen already been made aware of this problem?
  •  Has the problem been discussed by the Luxtram Board? Could the members of the College of Aldermen who represent the City of Luxembourg on the Luxtram Board of Directors provide further information on the causes of this technical problem and the steps being taken to remedy it?
  •  If not, does the College of Aldermen think it would be helpful to approach Luxtram, or any third party responsible for the information displayed on tram screens, to encourage them to resolve this issue as soon as possible? “



Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your letter of 9 August 2022 regarding the display of tram stops on the screens installed in trams.

Based on information obtained from the Direction Mobilité (Transport Directorate), I can inform you that the College of Aldermen is aware of the situation, as the issue of the screen displays has been discussed by the Luxtram Board of Directors as well as the LuxTram Policy Committee.

The screens in the trams are divided into two parts. The left-hand side is used to display institutional and commercial adverts. The right-hand side is used to display passenger information. The passenger information takes the form of a "thermometer" showing the final destination and the upcoming stops. For technical reasons, the display is only operational in some trams, while in others a blank screen is displayed. The contractor is currently working on resolving the problem and making it fully compatible with the on-board systems. Moreover, the system worked entirely satisfactorily until the end of 2021.

This response is being provided pursuant to Article 25 of the municipal law, and Article 9 of the City of Luxembourg municipal council's internal rules and regulations of 13 May 2013 and, as such, shall be considered as equivalent to a written reply to the question that was asked. It will be published in the minutes and on the City of Luxembourg website."


"The traffic regulation with the reference 63e/2022/3-22-0398, included on the agenda of the municipal council meeting of 17 June, included "no entry for bicycles and pedestrians on the footbridge linking Mühlenweg to the railway bridge (route de Thionville)". At the time, the response to my request for information on this matter was "the regulation relates to the works on Pont Buchler, which includes work on the link to Mühlenweg, which will be completed this year. I will make enquiries as to the details."

As such, in accordance with Article 9 of the municipal council's internal rules and regulations, I would like to put the following questions to you:

  •  Will the Mühlenweg-Pont Buchler link, which the residents of Gasperich have been looking forward to for some time, be completed this year?
  •  Will the link be a footbridge, or a lift, as had previously been suggested?
  •  What specific plans are already in place?"



Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your letter of 22 August 2022 regarding the Mühlenweg-Pont Buehler link.

Based on information provided by our Service Circulation, I can inform you that the project owner for the works on Pont Buehler is the National Roads Administration (Administration des ponts et chaussées). Consequently, all the works and planning for the project in question are the sole responsibility of the Administration des ponts et chaussées.

With regard to your specific questions, the Service Circulation has contacted the state authority concerned to request further information. The latter has confirmed that the project to build a ramp between Mühlenweg and the bridge itself has been approved by the Minister for Mobility and Public Works (Ministre de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics, and that the lead engineering consulting firm is currently drawing up the plans and tender documents. As for a start date for the related works, no information is currently available.

Nevertheless, the City of Luxembourg's Service Circulation will continue liaising with those in charge of the project at the National Roads Administration to track the progress of the project, and to ascertain the latest developments and the implementation schedule for this inter-district link, which is of paramount importance for our cycle network.

This response is being provided pursuant to Article 25 of the municipal law and Article 9 of City of Luxembourg municipal council's internal rules and regulations of 13 May 2013 and, as such, shall be considered as equivalent to a written reply to the question that was asked. It will be published in the minutes and on the City of Luxembourg website."

Assistance with online procedures


"Mayor Polfer,

Members of the College of Aldermen,

There is no disputing the fact that digitalisation is now well under way, and that many administrations are currently undertaking work to move all of their procedures online.

Many state and municipal administrative procedures can now be completed electronically.

Older people are often out of touch with these modern technologies, having frequently grown up without using computers.

Is there a municipal department that these persons can turn to for assistance in these matters?

Would it be possible to set up a mobile unit that would go out to the city's various districts to provide these persons with assistance by appointment?"



Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your letter of 30 May 2022 regarding assistance with online procedures.

Based on information obtained from our Service TIC (ICT Department) and our Direction des affaires sociales (Directorate for social affairs), I can inform you that, currently, our Service Seniors (Department of Senior Services) receives requests for assistance with online procedures on an occasional basis. Since 2020, staff at our Service Seniors have been providing elderly citizens with assistance in completing their administrative procedures, and in particular in arranging appointments for PCR tests and vaccinations, and requesting vaccination certificates. It must be said, however, that the Service Seniors does not assist the elderly with banking matters or tax returns.

It is important to monitor how the situation develops in order to be able to respond in the event of any increase in demand. In that case, it would make sense to set up an easily accessible, ground-floor reception area equipped with a computer that senior citizens could use for their online procedures. Senior citizens could use the computer independently, but obtain support when needed. This reception area could also function as an information and guidance point where senior citizens could consult documents, but also be advised and directed to relevant departments.

This response is being provided pursuant to Article 25 of the municipal law, and Article 9 of the City of Luxembourg municipal council's internal rules and regulations of 13 May 2013 and, as such, shall be considered as equivalent to a written reply to the question that was asked. It will be published in the minutes and on the City of Luxembourg website."

New bus shelter at the "Klensch" stop in Gasperich


"Mayor Polfer,

Member of the College of Aldermen responsible for city transport,

A few weeks ago, a new bus shelter was erected in Gasperich at the "Klensch" stop for users travelling in towards Luxembourg Central Station. There is something different about this bus shelter.

Who designed this bus shelter design, which is clearly different from the others, both in terms of its shape and the absence of advertising panels?

How much did it cost, how was it paid for and by whom?

How have the people living next to the huge, dark wall at the back of the shelter reacted to it?"



Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to your letter of 22 August 2022 regarding the new bus shelter at the "Klensch" stop in Gasperich.

Based on information obtained from our Service Autobus (Bus Department), I can inform you that the bus shelter is not yet completed. It still needs to be equipped with a screen displaying real-time departure information.

The shelter in question was built by the developer (UNITED S.A.) as part of the project to erect an apartment building behind it. It was designed by the contractor Christian Bauer & Associés Architectes, and in consultation with the City, where required equipment (screens, signs etc.) is concerned.

As this is a private project, we are not aware of the costs. The shelter was not financed from public funds, apart from the electronic equipment, which is also the case for the JCDecaux-Luxembourg shelters.

There has been no reaction from residents so far. Eventually, the "dark" wall at the back of the shelter will be completely covered in vegetation.

This response is being provided pursuant to Article 25 of the municipal law, and Article 9 of the City of Luxembourg municipal council's internal rules and regulations of 13 May 2013 and, as such, shall be considered as equivalent to a written reply to the question that was asked. It will be published in the minutes and on the City of Luxembourg website."