
The Janusz Korczak Parenting School is a service provided by the Kannerschlass Foundation that was introduced in 2002. The main purpose of the school is to provide parents with preventive guidance and support in child-rearing.

In terms of organisation, the Parenting School operates through 6 branches, which coordinate the programme throughout the country. The City of Luxembourg has its own branch, which operates out of its offices at 110, avenue Gaston Diderich in the Belair district.

The two coordinators – one graduate educator and one certified educator – organise theme-based activities throughout the year on the topic of parenting, and more specifically on the different stages in child and family development, from infancy to adolescence.

To ensure the smooth running and the quality of the sessions, the Parenting School avails itself of the services of some 30 in-house and external professionals from the education, social-services and healthcare sectors, who are willing to share their know-how and experience with interested parents.


The services provided by the Parenting School's professional staff centre around two concepts:

  • meeting with parents in groups, and
  • reaching out to them "where they are".

Accordingly, the Parenting School works closely with foyers scolaires (childcare centres), crèches, schools, maternity wards, homes for international asylum seekers, and social supermarkets, as well as other organisations operating in the social-welfare or education sectors that meet parents, to share know-how and engage with parents on various topics through activities.

Alongside these in-house activities, the two coordinators also go out to meet parents at playgrounds, markets and other public events, where they offer parents guidance and support in child-rearing, and provide them with information on how they can take part in the school's activities that are most relevant to their personal circumstances.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the Parenting School has also been hosting a online activities, such as webinars and podcasts on child-rearing.

Practical information

Eltereschoul/École des Parents

Antenne Luxembourg-Ville

110, av. G. Diderich, L-1420 Luxembourg

Tel.: 4796-4466 or 4796-4471
