Politics, policy and administration
Chateau d'eau dans les couleurs LGBTIQ

The City of Luxembourg is firmly committed to promoting a society where everyone has an equal place and where equal opportunities are the norm in all areas of life. To that end, the City has introduced a management tool to support the implementation of a structured, effective and sustainable equal opportunities policy. The 2023-2027 action plan builds on previous action plans, and is consistent with the City's general municipal policy priorities, as well as with the objectives of the "European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life", which the City has been a signatory to since 2009.


In creating the position of Equality Officer back in 2006, the City of Luxembourg wanted to further develop the work on equal opportunities that had already been undertaken. We wanted to do this not only within the municipal administration but also within our multicultural society by forging meaningful partnerships. The Municipal Equal Opportunities Action Plan is essential to this ambitious goal. Structured around eight strategic objectives, the 2023-2027 action plan lists 71 operational and measurable objectives and their corresponding indicators, which will be used to track progress

The Action Plan was developed jointly with local associations and the City's Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities (Commission consultative de l’égalité des chances), and is yet another example of the City of Luxembourg's commitment to promoting diversity within our society and forging a more equal and inclusive city.