
Admission to an assisted-living facility for seniors at Konviktsgaart is granted based on criteria set by the City of Luxembourg. The main criteria are listed below.

Regardless of whether applicants live in Luxembourg City, on the date of admission they must be:

  • age 65 or over;
  • for couples, the younger spouse must be 60 or over;
  • physically and mentally capable of completing basic household tasks alone and of moving around independently.

Enrolment on the waiting list

You may contact the City of Luxembourg's Service Seniors (Department of Senior Services) to be added to the waiting list.

Service seniors
13, rue Notre Dame
L-2240 Luxembourg
Tel.: 4796-4270

If you would like to move in soon, you must contact the Service Seniors to expedite the admission process.

Applications submitted by Luxembourg City residents are given priority.

Guided tour

The director of Konviktsgaart and the City of Luxembourg's representative for Konviktsgaart are available, by appointment, to give you a guided tour of the facility.

To arrange an appointment to see Konviktsgaart, please contact:

Résidence Grande-Duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte (Konviktsgaart)
11, avenue Marie-Thérèse
L-2132 Luxembourg

Tel.: 25 06 50-1
Fax: 25 06 50-267