All children who are 4 years of age by 1 September of the current year are required to attend school. School is compulsory for a period of 12 consecutive years, until the child turns 16. However, children having reached the age of 15 may choose to begin an apprenticeship, which exempts them from further classroom education.

Public schools are free of charge. For children who attend school in Luxembourg City but live outside the city, the enrolment fees are paid by the child's municipality of residence.

Schools and university campuses

View the interactive map at

Open map
garderobe dans une crèche

Registration and practical information

Information for children in Cycles 1 through 4 on registration, class schedules, guided study, school catchment areas and school trips.

école limpertsberg

Luxembourg City schools

Luxembourg City has 19 elementary schools, which provide a high-quality public education to children aged 4 to 12 (Cycles 1 to 4).

Ecole Clausen intérieur

School catchment areas

School catchment areas have been established so that children are assigned to schools located in their neighbourhood.

mains d'enfants tenant de la plasticine

Teacher directory

Search for the contact details of Luxembourg city teachers

Inscription aux cours de la Ville

Public elementary schools

Information on Cycles 1 to 4 and the guidance procedure for choosing a secondary education track.

enfants dans une crèche de la Ville de Luxembourg

Recommendations for parents

What should I do if my child is ill? Protect your child by getting them vaccinated, Getting enough exercise is important, Oral hygiene, Head lice, Multilinguali…

des adultes

Parenting School

peluche d'un crocodile

School health checks

Health checks are carried out free of charge to monitor the health of children enrolled in the city's municipal schools.

aire de jeux Merl

School holidays and breaks

The 2023/2024 school year begins on Friday, 15 September 2023 and ends on Monday, 15 July 2024.

repas de midi dans une crèche de la Ville de Luxembourg

Promoting children's health

Health-related activities and initiatives aim to encourage children and their families to make healthier choices in terms of diet and daily activities.

cours à l'école

Schools: organisation and supervision

The effective operation of local schools requires appropriate organisation and cooperation between the different stakeholders in the educational community.

mains d'enfants tenant de la plasticine

Taking account of children's and parents' needs

Schools, childcare centres and crèches are places that provide guidance and direction to parents as well as their children.

enfants jouant dans la forêt


Discover nature with all your senses at Haus vun der Natur, the nature centre in Kockelscheuer offering activities organised as part of the curriculum for Luxem…

Illustration du cover de l'écologique avec le titre "une rentrée écologique"

Back to school: going green

Think green: a few tips for making going to school more eco-friendly