Trésors de la Photothèque

Since 2001, the Photothèque has regularly published a book series called "Trésors de la Photothèque" depicting its most prestigious collections:

  • 2016: La Place d’Armes et le cercle
  • 2011: Edouard Kutter
  • 2006: Tony Krier
  • 2004: Théo Mey
  • 2002: Marcel Schroeder
  • 2001: Pol Aschman (print run exhausted and reissued)

These 188-page volumes include 160 full-page photographs and text in four languages (Luxembourgish, English, French and German). They are printed in duotone with a full canvas binding and a book jacket.


The books are available for purchase at the Photothèque and bookshops for €48.50.

Déi lëtzebuerger Traditioun SCHUEBERFOUER zënter 1340

The author of "Déi lëtzebuerger Traditioun SCHUEBERFOUER zënter 1340", published in 2007 by Editions Schortgen, is Steve Kayser.

Born in 1972, he studied history at Paris-Sorbonne University, and has been interested in all kinds of funfairs, especially the Schueberfouer, since his childhood. Telling the story of the city’s funfair in the form of a book was a project very close to Steve Kayser’s heart.
Over the course of 160 pages, not only will readers learn everything there is to know about the Schueberfouer, they will also be transported back in time thanks to a variety of photographs in black and white and in colour.

Founded in 1340 by John the Blind, the Schueberfouer has changed considerably throughout its nearly 700-year history. Once a traditional market, it is now a lively and vibrant funfair, and the numerous photographs in the book clearly show just how much it has changed.

Kayser's long-standing relationships with many of the fairground operators allowed him to gain a deeper insight into their daily lives. The book also explains in more detail the story of several families with their stalls and shops. For those who enjoy the country’s biggest funfair, this book is absolutely worth a read.