Annual grand exhibition

In addition to its special exhibitions, the Photothèque also hosts its annual grand exhibition which, each year, focuses on different themes. The grand exhibition is hosted at the Ratskeller in the Cercle Cité (Rue du Curé entrance) from mid-July to early September.

"Put it on! Luxembourg gets dressed"

The exhibition features 127 photographs from the Photothèque's major collections, providing an overview of fashion and clothing in Luxembourg since the early 20th century. Clothes are not just pieces of fabric that people use to cover or adorn themselves, they are also a reflection of society.

Work clothing, special occasion outfits, casual outfits worn by young people in the 1970s…: for a very long time, clothing was a key marker used to identify the profession or social status of the wearer. Then it began to be used to express one's personal style, and people started using clothing to express their individual personality and preferences.

Through its design, the exhibit attempts to recreate a diverse, urban atmosphere.

A 128-page catalogue is available for €15. It includes a history of the fashion stores in Luxembourg City by Robert L. Philippart.

Practical information

  • Dates: From 13 July to 15 September 2024
  • Times: Every day, from 11:00 to 19:00
  • Location: Ratskeller, Cercle Cité (entrance: Rue du Curé).

Admission is free!

Past exhibitions

  • 1988: La ville de Luxembourg et son passé récent
  • 1989: La ville de Luxembourg et son passé récent: Boulevard Royal
  • 1990: La ville de Luxembourg et son passé récent: Grand-Rue
  • 1991: La ville de Luxembourg et son passé récent: Place d'Armes
  • 1992: La ville de Luxembourg et son passé récent: Place de la Gare
  • 1993: La ville de Luxembourg et son passé récent: Avenue de la Liberté
  • 1994: La Photothèque se présente
  • 1995: Luxembourg de 1944 1945 by Tony Vaccaro
  • 1996: 100 Joër Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
  • 1997: Sur les traces de Vauban et Wenceslas
  • 1998: Edward Steichen à l'Hôtel de ville
  • 1999: Au tournant du siècle
  • 2000: Pol Aschman
  • 2001: La famille princière
  • 2002: Théo Mey "Chasseur d'images"
  • 2003: Les femmes dans la photographie luxembourgeoise
  • 2004: Marcel Schroeder "Le clic qui transfigure"
  • 2005: La mobilité sous tous ses angles
  • 2006: Tony Krier "Vivre sa passion"
  • 2007: Schueberfouer
  • 2008: "D'Stad bewegt sech" 80 photos 1910–2008
  • 2008: D'Badanstalt kritt 100 Joër
  • 2009: Pol Aschman "Il n'y a pas si longtemps"
  • 2010: Quand l'Europe emménageait à Luxembourg
  • 2011: Edouard Kutter: Lëtzeburg – Stad a Leit
  • 2015: Le Kirchberg – Porte de l'Europe
  • 2016: La Place d'Armes et le Cercle
  • 2017: Métiers d'antan et travail manuel
  • 2018: Jochen Herling
  • 2019: Jean Weyrich, gentleman photojournaliste
  • 2020: Luxembourg-ville, de la forteresse au patrimoine mondial UNESCO
  • 2021: Des gens et des rues. 100 ans Pol Aschman
  • 2022: Luxembourg 360° – la capitale à travers des collections photographiques inédites
  • 2023: Not human. Luxembourg's other inhabitants.