
In addition to its own Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque, the City is home to many other general and special-interest libraries and research centres covering various areas of study. The Luxembourg library network includes the libraries of various cultural institutes, universities and schools, as well as public and special interest libraries.

Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque

The building of Luxembourg City's municipal library has large bay windows that serve as an open invitation to passersby. Its consulting and borrowing areas provide a calm and welcoming setting for readers, which is both functional and comfortable. Literature, youth sections and Luxemburgensia constitute the lion's share of its collections, available in the most widely spoken languages in the country. The library's media centre also contains a vast range of audio and video content.

In addition to its collection of books and multimedia documents, the Lëtzebuerg City Bibliothèque has workstations for students and a reading section with newspapers and magazines, and organises readings by authors and various events for people of all ages.

All the collections are open to the public. There are no borrowing fees for users. Special stations with internet access are also provided free of charge.

Other libraries


Self-service bookcases

Currently, CAPEL manages five public bookcases, which are open to everyone 27/7, including children, entirely free of charge and with no need to register.

Borrow one or more books, and feel free to read them on the spot or take them home and return them once you're done! Readers may also choose to keep the books and replace them with others.

The bookcases are a good way for people who want to get rid of some of their collection to "recycle" books among the community, giving these books a second life by passing them on to their neighbours and visitors free of charge.

Where to find the bookcases

These can be found at:

  • Place du Théâtre (Ville-Haute);
  • Place de Gand (Belair);
  • Place Laurent (Limpertsberg);
  • Place Quartier Stuff (Kirchberg);
  • Rue Léon Kauffman (Cents).


  • Take out a book, and choose to return or keep it.
  • Replace any books you choose to keep with another book.
  • If there is space available in the cabinet, you can even add books.
  • If you notice any problems or damage, please call CAPEL on 4796 4608.

An initiative of Freed um Liesen ASBL

The Bicherschaf initiative was instigated by Freed um Liesen ASBL, which presented the idea for a public bookcase to Luxembourg City in 2014. The concept was already in wide use in many cities across Germany and France by the end of the 1990s.

The bookcase project models itself on the one used by the City of Esch, which launched the "Den Escher Bicherschaf" initiative in 2012 in collaboration with the Syndicat d’initiative local (local interest syndicate).

Research centres