General information

Participants are guided through a unique dining experience by visually impaired people, helping them gain a new-found awareness of what it means to live without sight.

The City is using this initiative to educate the general public about the special needs of visually impaired people and about blindness in general. At the same time, participants bond over their shared experience, which promotes lasting social cohesion.

Date, location and pricing

Visually-impaired people will guide you through your meal (19:00–22:00).

9 July 2024 (Fully booked)

Aka Cité

3, rue Genistre 
L-1623 Luxembourg

26 September 2024 (Fully booked)

La Locanda

121, route de Thionville
L-2611 Luxembourg

24 October 2024 (Fully booked)

Aqua by Meliã

1, Park Drai Eechelen 
L-1499 Luxembourg

14 November 2024 (Fully booked)

Porta Nova

14, av. de la Faïencerie 
L-1510 Luxembourg

Practical information


  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Vegetarian meal plan


€45 per person (drinks not included)


"Design for all", accessibility guaranteed.

Registration and additional information

By reservation only, places are limited!

The Dinner in the Dark sessions are themed events. All participants are asked to arrive on time!