Access to culture

In 2010, as part its policy for promoting access to culture for all, the City of Luxembourg and the non-profit organisation Cultur'All entered into an agreement, undertaking to contribute to the "Kulturpass" programme. This scheme, which enables people experiencing economic hardship to gain access to culture, was officially launched on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October 2009.

The Kulturpass for individuals

This pass is issued upon request to persons or families experiencing difficult economic circumstances. It is valid for two years and entitles holders to free admission to the city's municipal museums, and to purchase entry tickets to events organised by the City's cultural partners at €1.50 (per event and per person), within the limit of the number of places available.

You are eligible if:

  • you (adult or child) or your household fulfil the criteria to receive the cost-of-living benefits and/or energy allowance granted by the National Solidarity Fund (Fonds National de Solidarité – FNS)
  • you have applied for international protection (demande de protection internationale – DPI)
  • you have been granted temporary protection ( bénéficiant d'une protection temporaire – BPT)
  • you receive the low-income subsidy granted by the Centre psycho-social et d'accompagnement scolaire (CePAS)
  • you are a student at the University of Luxembourg and receive food vouchers or hardship fund payments from this institution
  • you are a volunteer or international au-pair with one of the National Youth Service (Service National de la Jeunesse – SNJ) programmes and find yourself in hardship
  • you receive the allowance for people with severe disabilities (revenu pour personnes gravement handicapées – RPGH)

The Kulturpass for associations

This group pass for associations may be issued to non-profit social institutions active in the field of social exclusion and related issues such as a lack of vocational training, isolation, financial difficulties or housing problems.

This pass is subject to the same terms and conditions as the Kulturpass for individuals, irrespective of whether its users have said personal pass.
The specific terms and conditions of this pass will be determined on a case-by-case basis and by mutual agreement between the cultural institution and the social partner (maximum number of people per group, price, opening hours, bookings, etc.). Group leaders must show this pass at the ticket booth before each visit.

Information and application

Collection points across Luxembourg City

  • Luxembourgticket
    Rond-Point Schuman
    L-2525 Luxembourg
  • neimënster
    28, rue Münster
    L-2160 Luxembourg
  • Cultur’all asbl, Banannefabrik
    12, rue du Puits
    L-2355 Luxembourg
  • Theater Federatioun, Banannefabrik
    12, rue du Puits
    L-2355 Luxembourg