Municipal integration plan

To date, the City has conducted a series of one-off initiatives to improve citizen integration. The development of a municipal integration plan (plan communal d’Intégration – CIP) will allow these various initiatives to be managed in a more targeted and coherent way.

This plan not only creates shared responsibility involving as many actors and municipal departments as possible; it also allows a comprehensive approach to integration covering all areas (health, education, housing, culture, etc.). It thus enables us to do more than offering one-time, isolated initiatives.

State of play

In 2015 and 2016, an internal and external integration review was conducted, in cooperation with the Centre for Intercultural and Social Studies and Training (Centre d'étude et de formation interculturelles et sociales – CEFIS) that included the organisation of five themed events, open to the general public, for the development of a municipal integration plan.

This internal and external review was a first step in laying the groundwork for a CIP. It consisted of the following parts:

Quantitative approach

  • Statistical analysis of data on cultural diversity (population, users, staff)
  • Survey of City employees on perceptions of diversity in the workplace

Qualitative approach

  • Semi-structured interviews with all City departments and structures regarding their professional experiences with diversity and initiatives to promote integration
  • Consultation of main associations and institutions working for cultural diversity in the City
    • At five theme nights and through questionnaires
    • Qualitative exchanges and interviews with key associations and the CCCI


Additional information