Health checks

Students enrolled in the city's municipal schools benefit from free health checks. The purpose of these checks is to detect any risks to the child's health and development in a timely manner in order to be able to take appropriate action:

  • All cycle 1 students, as well as students having newly arrived in Luxembourg, are invited to complete an individual assessment of this type, in the company of their parents.
  • Students in the second year of Cycles 2, 3 and 4 come in for a similar assessment, accompanied by their teacher.

These health checks always include the following tests and screening measures:

  • measurement of height and weight;
  • calculation of body mass index (BMI);
  • urine analysis;
  • hearing and vision check;
  • vaccination check;
  • a health check performed by the school doctor.

These health checks are carried out in a friendly and relaxed setting, tailored to the needs of children. Parents are informed in writing of the assessment results and any related health notices. Where appropriate, recommendations will be provided for more in-depth examinations and therapeutic measures.  If a health issue is identified, the children's parents or guardians are notified by letter sent to their home address. They will be requested to consult a doctor capable of providing suitable treatment.

All school health checks, additional checks as required and follow-up consultations are free of charge.

Dental checks

Dental checks are carried out at schools each year by external dental surgeons.

Patient confidentiality

School doctors are bound by patient confidentiality.

Without the consent of a child's parents, no details of any medical examination may be shared with third parties. However, the results of tests that are important for performance at school (e.g. eyeglasses, hearing aids) may be discussed with the child's teachers.

Accidents at school

If a child has an accident at school, their medical care is covered by the Accident Insurance Association (Association d'Assurance Accident).

Checks by external professionals

School-age hearing test:

  • for pupils of Cycle 1.2
  • tests carried out at school by the Audiophonology Department of the Ministry of Health (Service d'Audiophonologie du Ministère de la Santé) (

School-age orthoptic assessment:

  • for pupils of Cycles 1.1 and 1.2
  • tests carried out at school by the Orthoptics Department of the Ministry of Health (Service d'Orthoptie du Ministère de Santé) (

Speech and language evaluation:

  • for pupils of Cycle 1
  • evaluation carried out at school by speech and language therapists from the Centre de Logopédie, MENJE (