For you...

Chambre Konviktsgaart intérieur


A comprehensive range of services, provided in a friendly environment. Check out our apartments and studios.

Activités seniors programme janiver-avril 2020

Activities for seniors

The Service Seniors organises a wide range of activities for seniors to meet people of the same age, expand their knowledge and participate in cultural events.

Inscription stylo et papier


Admission to an assisted-living facility for seniors at Konviktsgaart is granted based on criteria set by the City of Luxembourg.

Activités seniors programme septembre-octobre 2020

Assistance in daily life

Home amenities and services: single phone number for assistance, Téléalarme personal alert system, meals-on-wheels, indoor and/or outdoor home maintenance and m…

hiver luxembourg

Clearing of snow

Clearing of snow from pavements in winter. Assistance provided to persons living alone who are over 65 and/or have specific needs.

Service Konviktsgaart

Fees at Konviktsgaart

Price and payment information.

Un instructeur du sport dirige un vieille femme

For seniors

Amenities and services to assist seniors in their daily lives and enable them to continue living at home as long as possible; care and residential infrastructur…

personnes âgés qui se promennent

Heatwave plan

Monitoring and hydration assistance visits during heatwaves for at-risk individuals enrolled in the plan.


Home care services

To help senior citizens to stay in their own homes as long as possible, a range of services are available to them.

Ideas for outings and shopping

City events calendar, shopping and nightlife, activities for families and seniors

Job étudiant - jardinage

Indoor and outdoor maintenance and minor repairs

Do you need help with maintenance or minor repairs inside or outside your home, or in carrying out certain tasks? The City of Luxembourg offers an assistance se…

personne sur un fauteil en train de lire une brochure


Konviktsgaart is a modern, welcoming and secure facility comprising 110 assisted living units. Whether they choose to stay in one of our apartments or studios, …

résidence pour personnes agées G.-D. Joséphine Charlotte "Konviktsgaart"

Other housing for seniors

Three types of housing are available for senior citizens: independent living facilities, integrated centres for the elderly (CIPAs) and nursing homes. Each type…

personnes âgées assises à une table

Public long-term care insurance

Public long-term care insurance covers certain types of care and assistance services.

repas sur roues

Repas sur roues (Meals-on-Wheels)

A hot meal delivered to the home every lunchtime from Monday to Saturday and on public holidays for people unable to prepare their own meals

Services proposés par le Konviktsgaart

Services provided at Konviktsgaart

Konviktsgaart offers a comprehensive range of services and facilities.


Single phone number

SENIOR CITIZENS: A single point of contact for all our departments providing services for seniors (Téléalarme, etc.) Tel.: 45 75 75

Services Seniors et Intervention sociale - Mir si fir Iech do_04.2020

Social assistance

Assistance in the form of short-, medium-, or long-term social support to protect human dignity. Such assistance may be palliative, curative, or preventive, and…

Nordic Walking

Sports pour tous – Seniors (55+)

Tailored to the expectations, needs and abilities of people aged 55 and older, this programme is packed with new outdoor activities, such as hiking (gentle to a…

télé alarm

Téléalarme personal alert system

Emergency response service available 24/7: if you are in need of urgent medical assistance, simply press the red button and a distress call will be made.