Target group

The street workers employed by CAS work with homeless individuals over the age of 18, many of whom have a variety of problems. These individuals may be living on the streets or in temporary structures, or in precarious or inappropriate living situations. They are often faced with unemployment or health-, finance- and family-related problems.

Focus area

The street work services provided by CAS focus on the Bonnevoie and Gare districts of the city.

  • In Bonnevoie, the CAS street workers primarily cover Place Léon XIII, Rue Dernier Sol plus the area between Rue de Bonnevoie and Route de Thionville, because this is where most of their clients congregate.
  • In the Gare district, the CAS street workers primarily cover the area around the train station and the immediate vicinity.

Purpose of the work

The main purpose of the work is:

  • to develop a detailed subject knowledge in the field;
  • to build trust with homeless individuals;
  • to signpost clients to the wealth of services available to help with various problems;
  • to encourage clients to engage in activities that will have a positive influence on themselves and their environment;
  • to resolve negative situations, deprivation and other specific needs.
  • to arrange emergency hospitalisation for homeless individuals
  • to signpost to homeless shelters
  • to help with housing/domiciliation
  • to accompany clients to appointments with public authorities
  • to provide clients with information and guidance from CAS
  • to neogtiate between the client and the various departments within CAS
  • to offer access to various sports and social projects
  • Arranging emergency hospitalisation for homeless individuals
  • Signposting to homeless shelters
  • Helping with housing/domiciliation
  • Accompanying clients to appointments with public authorities
  • Providing clients with information and guidance from CAS
  • Negotiating between the client and the various departments within CAS
  • Offering access to various sports and social projects


Streetwork: Caritas Accueil et Solidarité

  • 21, rue Michel Rodange
    L-2543 Luxemburg
    Tel. 621 29 47 13
    621 30 55 95
    621 51 70 19