
The fees for participating in the courses organised by the Service Sports (Sports Department) have been set by the municipal council, and are listed in the City of Luxembourg's Tax Regulations (Règlement-taxe).

The full season pass ("passe-partout-adultes" or "passe-partout-aînés") provides access to all courses (in the adult or seniors programme, respectively) for a given season. Please note that even with this pass, registration is required for classes that only allow a limited number of participants.

To be able to take part in the aquatic activities organised in the city's public pools, participants must purchase an entry ticket at the pool entrance (Bonnevoie and Badanstalt pools) or the Bierger-Center. The ordinary rate for municipal pools applies.

Les habitants de la ville inscrits la saison passee {2020-2021) recevront le nouveau programme « Sports pour tous » ainsi les formulaires d'inscription y relatifs par voie postale (normalement) fin de la semaine du 6 au 10 septembre 2021, et les habitants d'autres communes inscrits la saison passee {2020-2021) recevront le nouveau programme « Sports pour tous » ainsi les formulaires d'inscription y relatifs par voie postale (normalement) durant la semaine du 20 au 24 septembre 2021.

Changing/cancelling classes

Classes may be changed during the season depending on availability.

It is also possible for you to cancel your registration for a class. However, the fee paid for this class will only be refunded if you present a medical certificate attesting to your inability to participate in the classes, and you will be charged for the number of months elapsed since the start of the season.

If you wish to change or cancel a class, please inform the Service Sports in writing ( / 90, boulevard de Kockelscheuer, L-1821 Luxembourg).

Other additional information

  • Participation is at your own risk.
  • Appropriate sports attire is required.
  • Participants are asked to be on time and to change in the locker rooms.