Project description

The City is currently transforming Place Guillaume II. These works are being carried out by:

  • VDL – Service Voirie (Department of Streets): complete upgrade of the urban space in Place Guillaume II.
  • VDL – Service Eaux (Water Department): replacement of water mains for the needs of the Service Espace public, fêtes et marchés.
  • VDL – Service Éclairage public (Public Lighting Department) :replacement of public lighting on Place Guillaume II.
  • VDL – Service TIC - Réseaux et communication (ICT Department – Network and communications): installation of a fibre-optic network with Hotcity posts.
  • Creos Luxembourg SA Electricité: replacement of electrical cables and connection to two private properties.
  • Creos Luxembourg SA Gaz:replacement of gas mains for the needs of the Service Espace public, fêtes et marchés.
  • Post Luxembourg: replacement and upgrade of utility grids.

Works schedule

Commencement of works: beginning of 2021

Planned completion: summer of 2023

Traffic information

What is the current traffic situation?

For cars and pedestrians:

For this project, works will be carried out on Place Guillaume II only. For the entire duration of the works, vehicular traffic will still be able to access Rue du Fossé. In the event of any changes to vehicle access, appropriate signage will be put in place.

For businesses and deliveries:

The City of Luxembourg will ensure access for deliveries to local businesses and the emergency services throughout the duration of the works.

The City of Luxembourg thanks local residents, businesses and road users for their understanding, and apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Progress to date

What work has already been completed?


The following has been carried out:

  • Work on the utility networks on the north and east sides of the square.
  • Structural works at ground level and in the underground car park (Knuedler) to reinforce the concrete ceiling slab and support beams.

Works currently underway:

The redevelopment work on Place Guillaume II will begin again in January:

  • Archaeological excavations on the north-east side of the square.
  • Laying of the paving stones on the north-west side.

What remains to be done?

Works scheduled for between January 2022 and April 2023:

  • Utility works (Service Canalisation, Service Eaux, Creos Électricité, Service TIC, Service Éclairage public, Police, Post).
  • Utility works (water, gas, electricity) for public event and market requirements.
  • Work on the utility networks for the new public lighting concept.
  • Transformation of the entryway to the Luxembourg City Tourist Office.
  • Removal of the existing surfacing and laying of new paving.
  • Installation of splash fountains.
  • Installation of children's playground equipment.
  • Installation of rising bollards to regulate access to the square.
  • Planting of new trees on along Rue du Fossé and outside the LCTO.
  • Replacement of street furniture.


Stay informed

To make life easier for residents while these works are being carried out, the City of Luxembourg has implemented a series of measures, including the option to participate in meetings regarding the progress of the work. Residents affected by the works may participate in these meetings to obtain additional information about the project's progress and present any complaints they may have.

Contacts for this work site




VDL – Voirie

Laurent Ley


Construction mediators
