Sports and Disability in Action Day

An awareness-raising day in Ville-Haute. Various associations working in the field of disability-related issues have been manning stands and offering a variety of demonstrations and workshops.

Date, times and location

On 27 April 2024 from 9:00 to 18:00 in Place d'Armes.

BlanContact show

Re V Ivre – Erwachen

Dance show with professional artists and dancers with and without physical disabilities (no dialogue).

Practical information

Price: €20 (adults) and €8 (young people)

Booking required on or by phone on 470895-1.

Date, times and location

8 May 2024 from 20:00 to 21:00 at the Grand-Théâtre.

Sixth Roll & Run

Luxembourg City has hosted the sixth Roll & Run as part of the ING Night Marathon Luxembourg.

Practical information

The 7.2 km route has taken participants through Limpertsberg, letting them feel the heady atmosphere of the marathon and take part in the many activities scheduled that day. The route is as follows: Champ du Glacis, allée Scheffer, avenue de la Faïencerie, rue Henri VII, avenue Pasteur, rue Ermesinde, avenue de la Faïencerie, rue François Faber, rue Joseph Hansen, rue Antoine Hirsch, rue Léandre Lacroix, avenue Pasteur, rue Nicolas Liez, avenue Joseph Sax, avenue J.-P. Beicht, boulevard John J. Pershing, boulevard Dr. Ernest Feltgen, rue des Cerisiers, rue Ignace de la Fontaine, rue Jean-Georges Willmar, rue Frantz Seimetz, rue Jean-Baptiste Fresez, rue Batty Weber, rue N.-S. Pierret, rue Ermesinde, rue Henri VII, avenue du Bois, rue G. Schneider, avenue Victor Hugo, and allée Scheffer.

Refreshment stands have served food and drinks at Champ du Glacis both before and after the race, and all evening long.


Date, times and location

11 May 2024 from 17:00 to 21:00 on Champs du Glacis.