For you...

Bierger-Center sur la Place Guillaume II

Administrative procedures

Declarations of residence, arrival and departure, identity card, biometric passport, vital events (birth, marriage, civil partnerships, deaths), certificates an…

Apply for an identity document

Luxembourgish identity card and Luxembourgish biometric passport.

Bierger-Center sur la Place Guillaume II

Apply for Luxembourgish nationality

Procedures and conditions.

parc municipal de la Ville en automne

Autumn and winter services

Collection of fallen leaves, clearing of snow, and salting of public roads, squares, bus stops, cycle paths and footpaths in parks.

By collection type

Curbside collection, collection in bulk on demand, public containers (igloos), Recycling Centre and SuperDrecksKëscht fir Biirger

By waste type

Residual waste, glass, paper/cardboard, PMC packaging (Valorlux), food waste, turf, garden waste, bulky waste, wood, scrap metal, household appliances, hazardou…



Certificates of residence, long-form certificates of residence, certificates of registration at a reference address, certificates of registration on the elector…

Certification services and certified copies

Signature certification for parental authorisations or undertakings to assume responsibility. Certified copy.

Chèque service accueil

Chèque-Service Accueil

The childcare service voucher scheme (chèque-service accueil – CSA) grants parents reduced rates for non-formal education and childcare services, depending on a…


Civil registry extracts

Birth, marriage and death certificates. Order online.

Collecte Service Hygiène

Collection calendar

Don't miss pickup day! Check the collection calendar to find out when the different types of household waste are collected on your street.

Photo d'un jardin communautaire pendant que les gens y travaillent

Community gardens

Luxembourg City's ecological and social gardening project.

voiture creos

Connection to the gas and electricity networks

For technical questions concerning the gas and electricity grids (connections, metre installations, grid repairs), please contact Creos Luxembourg S.A.

Ville de luxembourg vue

Declaring your residence – arrival, change of address and departure

Declaration of arrival, change of residence within Luxembourg City and declaration of departure.

pas se garer sign

Ensuring garage access

Garage entrances blocked by illegally parked vehicles

Camion Service Hygiène

Estimate your charges

By recycling more, you reduce your residual waste and pay less! Calculate your annual charges using our calculator! RECYCLE MORE, PAY LESS

pioches dan un jardin

Gardening in the city

Conservation of rare and endangered species of useful plants at the Klouschtergaart, community gardens for residents and gardens for rent.

CRP - Médiateurs de chantier

Impact of works on daily life

The City's two construction mediators are tasked with liaising between the local population and teams involved in works being carried out in Luxembourg City. Wh…

personne sur un fauteil en train de lire une brochure


Konviktsgaart is a modern, welcoming and secure facility comprising 110 assisted living units. Whether they choose to stay in one of our apartments or studios, …

Kermesses de quartier

Local fairs

Luxembourg City’s local fairs (known as "kermesses") offer a friendly and fun environment for people to come together and socialise.

Image du quartier gare

Luxembourg City's 24 districts

Main features, geographic location, key population figures and an overview of the city's infrastructure

vide carte d'identité

Luxembourg identity card

Mandatory as of age 15. Information on documents to submit, renewal, fees, application deadlines and expedited procedures.

myguichet bâtiment

Luxembourgish biometric passport

General information, documents to submit, fees, processing times and expedited procedures.

Office hours

Luxembourg City's aldermen are ready to answer any questions you have about current events or to discuss any other matters you wish to take up with them.

signé un document

Registering a civil partnership

Two partners, of the same or different sexes, must appear together before the civil registrar of their joint place of residence to personally and jointly declar…

un chien d'aide

Registering your dog

New dog registration, annual fee, change of residence or owner, potentially dangerous dogs and death of a dog

Élections, vote

Registration for non-Luxembourg nationals

Information on voting for non-Luxembourgish residents.

Photo au dessus du quartier Dommeldange

Rent commission

The Commission des loyers (Rent Committee) is an arbitration body for landlords and tenants, which handles increases and reductions in rent.

bierger center

Request a certificate or an extract

Certificate of residence, long-form certificate of residence, certificate of voter registration, certificate of life Birth, marriage and death certificates Orde…

zone vitesse 20

Residential areas

Areas with speed limits of 20 or 30 km/h for the safety of vulnerable road users

une vignette résidentiel

Residential parking permit

If you live in Luxembourg City and own a car, you are entitled to a permit enabling you to park for free in your parking zone.

Parc de Gasperich

Service Parcs

Edouard André Municipal Park in the city centre, Tony Neuman Park in Limpertsberg, Merl Park in Hollerich, Cessange Park, Laval Park in Eich and Kaltreis Park i…

Monnaie sur fond blanc

Solidarity benefits and energy allowance

Any resident of Luxembourg City who receives cost-of-living benefits from the National Solidarity Fund may apply for solidarity benefits. Every resident of Luxe…

course de fond

Sports pour tous – Adults

This programme for persons aged 16 and over is packed with new outdoor sports activities, such as beach volleyball, advanced hiking, introductory and advanced g…

Subdivision (formerly fragmentation)

Any owner of a plot of land that can be built on immediately (regardless of whether this land has existing structures) who intends to break the land up into mul…

Walbüro élections vote

Voting in Luxembourg

Who can vote? How do I register to vote? Which elections can I vote in? Where do I vote?

Wasserwierk raccordement à l'eau

Water supply connection

Procedures and forms for new connections and for the removal, disconnection, transfer, change or replacement of an existing connection, and for the lease of sta…

Compteur d'eau

Water: connecting your home

Turning on, turning off, pricing and water meter for drinking water.