
am 18.03.2025 von 19:00 bis 20:00


Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg
rue Charles Martel
L-2134 Luxembourg
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MARDI 18 MARS 2025 À 19H00




This spring, the Conservatory of the City of Luxembourg highlights one of the most popular baroque composers: Johann Sebastian Bach (born 21st of March 1685). In his enormous output of music, we admire the strict musical-harmonic architecture combined with intensive rhythmical beats. Down to earth and able to enchant us at the same time both into a foreign and familiar emotional world of the baroque era: desire and calm, courtly noblesse, grief or playful joy we can experience with Bach.


Bach also arranged various excellent music from his contemporaries (e.g. Antonio Vivaldi / Georg Philipp Telemann). The program “Concerts imaginaires & transcrits” (18.3.) presents concerts and transcriptions by Bach as well as a reconstruction of a flute concerto performed by musicians from Luxembourg and Basel. There will also be workshops focusing on the music at the time of Bach (19. - 21.3.).


From ECHO.lu

Ensemble Abchordis, Andrea Buccarella (direction & harpsichord)

Thomas Kügler (traverso), Anne Galowich, Alessandro Urbano & Štefan Ilaš (harpsichord)


Program :

Johann Sebastian Bach | Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 (BWV 1050), Concerto for flute, strings and B.c. (BWV 1053R, reconstruction after BWV 209 / TWV 41:e5), Concerto for 4 harpsichords and strings (BWV 1065)




Entrée gratuite avec billet

www.luxembourgticket.lu / 352 4708 95 1

Termine und Uhrzeiten

Mardi 2025
18.03 de 19:00 à 20:00