
am 01.07.2024 von 18:30 bis 20:00


Cinémathèque de la Ville de Luxembourg
Place du Théâtre
L-2613 Luxembourg
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The Colour of Pomegranates 


Sayat-Nova USSR (Arménie) 1969 | Sergei Parajanov | vostEN | 77’ | digital | Cast : Sofiko Tchiaoureli, Melqon Alekian, Vilen Galestian

> Restored by Martin Scorsese’s World Cinema Foundation and Cineteca di Bologna / L’immagine ritrovata


A poetic evocation of the inner life of 18th century Armenian ashug or troubadour Sayat-Nova.


« Color of Pomegranates is of a stunningly perfect beauty. Parajanov, in my opinion, is one of the best film directors in the world. » (Michelangelo Antonioni)


« In the temple of cinema there are images, light and reality. Sergei Parajanov was the master of that temple. » (Jean-Luc Godard)


« One may approach it as an achievement of creativity, as an historical film, as a religious film, or even as a political film; in any case, it’s rich cinematic ground for those who wish to explore unconventional art. » (Film Inquiry)

Preis und Buchung

3.7 € Tarif plein
2.4 € Tarif réduit
1.5 € Kulturpass

Termine und Uhrzeiten

Lundi 2024
01.07 de 18:30 à 20:00