Project description

The City is carrying out car park upgrade works on the parvis of Neumünster Abbey. These works are being carried out in collaboration with the following municipal departments and partners:

  • VDL – Service Voirie (Department of Streets): Complete rebuild of the superstructure with paving stones. Planting of a new tree and installation of a number of benches.
  • VDL – Service Éclairage public (Public Lighting Department): replacement of public lighting.
  • VDL – Service TIC (ICT Department): replacement of existing networks.
  • Creos Luxembourg SA Electricité: replacement of the low-voltage/medium-voltage grids, and replacement of a number of connections to houses.
  • Creos S.A. Division Gaz: replacement of the mains.

Works schedule

Commencement of works: January 2024

Contractual deadline: 160 working days (from 7:00 to 17:00)

Planned completion: mid-2024

Traffic information

What is the current traffic situation?

For cars and pedestrians:

During the work, a number of parking spaces will remain accessible depending of the type of works being carried out. In the event of any changes to vehicle access, appropriate signage will be put in place.

For businesses and deliveries:

The City of Luxembourg will try to ensure access for deliveries to local businesses throughout the duration of the works. As construction progresses, there will be changes to the flow of traffic in this area.

Your home utility connections

  • As part of the construction project, City representatives and private contractors will visit residents' homes.
  • To assess the condition of their existing connections.
  • If you wish to have your existing connections replaced, please inform the Luxembourg City representatives during this on-site inspection.

If you have any problems with your gas, water or communications networks, please contact the services below, which are open 24/7:

  • Service Eaux – Tel.: 4796-2883
  • Creos Électricité – Tel.: 8002-9900
  • Creos Gaz – Tel.: 8007-3001

Stay informed

To make life easier for residents while these works are being carried out, the City of Luxembourg has implemented a series of measures, including the option to participate in meetings regarding the progress of the work. Residents affected by the works may participate in these meetings to obtain additional information about the project's progress and present any complaints they may have.

Weekly site meetings

The date of the meeting will be publicised shortly.

Contacts for this work site

Department Contact Telephone number
VDL – Service Coordination des chantiers Laura Sertic 4796 2803
VDL – Service Éclairage public Karim Aïnahi 4796 3883
VDL – Service TIC Jo Petit 4796 3838
VDL – Service Voirie Tiago Mesquita 4796 4753
VDL – Construction Mediators 4796 4343
CREOS Gaz   2624 5839
CREOS Électricité   2624 5727